Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor

I took the time to view the video. I was actually bouncing off the walls the yesterday when I found out about the nominee and was even more excited after hearing her experiences. First off, I think that she represents a good majority of Latinos/Hispanics in this world who came from immigrant families and grew up in a challenging neighborhood. I feel that through her there will be a different understanding of what it means to have voice in not only electing the president but contributing our culture and point of views into law. It makes me feel honored to know that a president can talk about someone the way Obama talked about her, even though it may have had been bs just to make him look good.

I found it quite interesting to look for an article that came from a hispanic publisher to view how they talk about Sotomayor compared to the way anyone else would present her. The article is titled Judge Sonia Sotomayor a Frontrunner to Replace Souter on High Court, and was written for This article did what ever other article should do. The author seemed honored to be writing about her and exposing her story to the public. They took her background and stated it in a non disrespected way. It was used to show that she was like any other person living in the U.S. who has gone through good and bad. Her education was thoroughly explained and respected as well. Her experience was stated and defintely demonstrated that she was the one that was "most likely to be picked." They also included other organiztions that praise her and her hardwork as not only a hispanic but a women.

I know that we were suppose to chose only one article, however, I looked upon an article titled Sotomayor Hits the Jackpot. This article was a short one, however, I thought that it aimed at the one all of us Hispanics would be targeted towards. Money. The publisher of this article made Sotomayor seem cold and some form of a criminal. He first started off by noted she was a gambler, winning over $8,000. I don't seem at understand why this is such a big deal if gambling is not illegal everywhere. He continued to shoot her down regarding her expenses and debts as well as savings. I don't think that someone that deserves respect be subject to having her personal banking information viewed to the public. Whether she ows a million dollars or five towards her mortgage is not something we should be conserned about unless she is on collection. It really hurt me to read this article knowing that Latinos are targeted for low paying jobs. This might be true but not because we don't contribute to society but because many of us don't get what we deserve. I know this article didn't state how much money she makes a year, but I can gaurantee she does not get paid as much as a caucasian judge would in her position. I just feel that by someone aiming at her already labeling her the "least wealthy justice in the supreme court" she has been disrespected and not honored for all she has given to society.

I'm very honored to say that with the little research I have done she is a great candidate. She truely believes that "the rule of law is the foundation for all of our basic law."

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